
2021 Volunteer Spotlight – Mona Cedillo


1. Full Name: Mona Cedillo
2. How long have you volunteered for Homegrown? 2 years
3. What is your favorite Homegrown memory? Showing up at a pub for a shift in venue manager and seeing a table filled with priests. I was surprised and as I walked by, said “How about that, I actually walked into a place where a priest walked into a bar, too bad I don’t have a good joke to go with the moment”.
4. How has music helped you through the pandemic thus far? It has been encouraging and helped me grieve moments I miss getting out. Music also reminds me of good times and fun memories with friends. Gives me hope that one day to be back enjoying music, seeing friends and loved ones again.
5. Do you have any advice for future Homegrown Volunteers?
1) Be flexable!
2) Try to arrange at least one shift that lets you off early so you can enjoy the rest of the bands playing at whatever venue you work at.
3) Get a schedule and plan on seeing at least one new group. Make a point to discover one new band.
4) Control your liquor! Don’t ruin a good night or rosk getting kicked out for being rude or getting sick. Don’t drink and drive.
5) Remember to high five and be respectful with other Homegrown volunteers and staff. Bring enthusiasm and dance like no one is watching.

Thank you to all of our volunteers! We would not be able to have the festival without your help. 


Sign up for your HGMF volunteer shifts today:
Liz Minette photo

2021 Volunteer Spotlight – Liz Minette


Liz Minette photo

1. Full Name: Liz Minette

2. How long have you volunteered for Homegrown? I’ve been a volunteer for Homegrown since 2012.

3. What is your favorite Homegrown memory? Hmmmm… Poetry Showcases, especially the ones at Sacred Heart, NorShor and Duluth Folk School (all sweet spaces); working the shows at Clyde Iron, especially when Trampled by Turtles was playing; seeing TbT at Pizza Luce the time before the last time (when they tweeted their surprise show at Luce : ); all the shows at Cedar Lounge, especially when Venus de Mars played her acoustic set and we all were pretty much in tears it was so beautiful; Mary Bue, Retribution Gospel Choir & Wolf Blood at Luce; working the door at Quinlan’s; the sweet shows at Blush; creating music videos for Homegrown & all the Homegrown Music Video screenings

4. How has music helped you through the pandemic thus far? Music has helped very much through the pandemic; whether listening to tunes while taking walks, but more importantly, my Mom and I can watch concerts of local artists from home – we’ve watched Charlie Parr’s concerts at Sacred Heart via YouTube cast to our tv as well as Al Sparhawk & Friends at First Ave.

5. Do you have any advice for future Homegrown Volunteers? Show up for the shift you signed up for; have a great time hanging out with your crew; have fun; respect the Chicken : )

Thank you to all of our volunteers! We would not be able to have the festival without your help. 

Sign up for your HGMF volunteer shifts today:

2021 Festival Update

In response to the Center for Disease Control COVID-19 mitigation recommendations to limit large gatherings, and in the interest of public health and safety, Homegrown Music Festival has made the decision that any Festival programming will be virtual for the 2021 year, including our upcoming Winter Fiasco on January 22nd. Visit for all programming details.

Homegrown will continue to be a presence in the Twin Ports community and will live up to its mission of supporting the local music and arts scene while navigating through the ongoing pandemic.

The Festival staff is grateful for our fans and our community, and we consider the health and safety of everyone to be our top priority. Thank you for supporting the Homegrown Music Festival as we enter our 23rd year.

Thank you,
Melissa La Tour
Executive Director
Homegrown Music Festival