Its Monday – and that means its time for another Homegrown Music Festival Volunteer Spotlight! This week we are celebrating Liz Minette!

Elizabeth has been a proud part of the Duluth Homegrown Music Festival volunteer squad since 2008! She first volunteered at Sir Ben’s when her coworker’s band, Uncle Kenny, was playing. Elizabeth volunteers because she loves Homegrown SO much and wanted a way to be a part of it all! She wants new volunteers to know to make the Field Guide your best friend! Whatever venue you are at be sure you can answer questions about what is going on all around town that night!
When we asked Elizabeth what her favorite night or venue of Homegrown is we thought she would eventually pick every night!
“Oh, favorite venue/night of the festival. . .well, I’m a performer for the Monday night Poetry Showcase, so that’s one of my favorite nights. Over the years Poetry Showcase has had to move to bigger venues – we started out at Teatro Zuccone, then the Underground, now Sacred Heart because, whether it’s second night of Homegrown, or just the fun of seeing and hearing what other poets have brought to read that particular night, Poetry Showcase is always packed. Monday night is always great because EVERYBODY is out and about having a great time! I also love Tuesday Canal Park night. I was Venue Manager at Vikre last year and we were at capacity at 7 pm and pretty much stayed that way for the rest of the night and I was so dang proud! I loved volunteering for the shows at Norm’s for Soup Town Thursdays – I did that for about three years – those shows had the most awesome bands (Dad’s Acid, Charlie Parr, Jim Hall, A Winter Downpour) and people packed in to Norm’s and just had a great time. Wild! Fun! We were always, always busy during those shows and that was fun. I love the West Side Wednesdays too, love working the Clyde shows because it’s the anticipation before the doors open and then all of us volunteers work, I think, really well together to ensure concert attendees have a great time in a great space. I want to challenge myself though this year and work one of the smaller clubs Wednesday night because those venues seem so cool too and feature a lot of great music during Homegrown.”
This year Elizabeth is hoping that Trampled by Turtles make an appearance (dont we all!) but is also eager to take in ALL THE PUNK ROCK shows. WooHoo!
Thank you Elizabeth from the bottom of our hearts – we literally can’t have Homegrown without our army of volunteers!
Join the Homegrown Music Festival volunteer team by clicking this clink!