
2023 Field Guide Artist: Amy Abts

I got involved in the arts by drawing a lot as a kid, then selling pieces door to door for quarters when I was 8. This was in the 80’s obviously. And then i fell into the mime cult. But that’s another story. I admire an artist that is honest and does the work. I admire an artist who is able to stay offline. I admire anyone who creates something and shares it.

People can find me on all the socials, specifically instagram. I got hacked a year ago and lost my account. But if you search #byamyabts a lot will come up. My website is being updated but it’s still up. You can friend request me on facebook. You can buy prints on etsy.

Instagram: amyabtsart
My greatest accomplishment? Hopefully yet to come . . . I don’t know, this is pretty cool. I always get a thrill seeing my work on the cover of a record. Words of wisdom? everyone is on their own path so try not to compare. If you can dream it, do it.

2023 T-Shirt Artist: Jillian Dollars

This is our spotlight on this years t-shirt artist, Jillian Dollars.

1. How did you get involved in the arts?
I was born into a family of artists.  Drawing and painting and making things are innate for me and they are what makes me the happiest.
2. Who are artists that you admire?
So so many!  I admire so many of my fellow illustrators and painters and mixed media artists and tattooers locally and across the country and world.  I follow and am inspired by so many.  Right now, I am very enamored with the work of Bisa Butler (@bisabutler).  She creates large scale super vibrant portraits from a variety of fabrics that she cuts and layers and stitches.  They are astonishing.  You must see them!
3. Where can people find your art and more about you?
You can see my tattoo work and other artwork on Insta @jilliandollarsink and I just started a new account of just artwork @oddlyjillustrated.  Any art shows or sales that I have coming up will be posted there.  You can also visit  Thanks!
4. What is your greatest accomplishment so far in your career?
My greatest accomplishment is truly loving what I do and making people happy through my art.  I love tattooing and making art more now than I ever have.  Also, making a living off of making art is pretty cool.
5. Do you have any words of wisdom for those starting off in the art world?
Whatever your medium is, do it as much as you can.  You can only get better by practicing your art.  Seek out other artists for support and collaboration and inspiration.  You should always have a motley crew of fellow creative weirdos around you.

2023 Music Festival Theme Nights

Dress to impress! Here is our list of dress up theme nights if you want to patake! Post your pictures with hashtag #hgmf23

25th Homegrown Sunday – 4/30/23
Wear your old homegrown shirts and merch or merch from bands that have played homegrown in the past.

Moody Monday – 5/1/23
Dress like your mood. Happy? Excited? Sad? Groovy? Angry? SHOW us how you feel.

Tacky Tuesday – 5/2/23
Black belt with brown shoes? Stripes and plaid? That sweater your auntie gave you 5 years ago? We don’t care what it is, just make it tacky.

Western Wednesday – 5/3/23
Giddy-up partner! Dress like a cowboy for West Duluth night!

Trick or Treat Thursday – 5/4/23
Brush off those Halloween costumes and head over to Superior for a big costume party.

Formal Friday – 5/5/23
Get fancy with it.

Sexy Saturday – 5/6/23
Show us what you’re working with.

Relaxation Sunday – 5/7/23
It’s recovery time. Wear your comfy clothes and chill out.