2018 Volunteer Spotlight – Tina Marie Higgins Wussow

Volunteer Spotlight! As the festival approaches and 200+ volunteers prepare for training and scheduling it is never more clear that our volunteers are truly the heart of this festival! This week we want to shine the light on Tina Marie Higgins Wussow! What a superstar! Tina has been producing, curating, and hosting the Homegrown Music Festival Poetry Showcase for three years and it is one of the best events of HGMF! Its always packed – its always amazing – and it’s outgrown every venue it has ever taken place in.

Tina’s favorite day of Homegrown is the final Sunday “The sleepy Sunday brunch with friends, the delirium of it all, all the silly stories from the week floating around, and hugs, lots of hugs”

Tina’s pro tips include a reminder that HGMF is a marathon – pace yourself, slow and steady wins this race. She also feels strongly that Jacob Mahon is not to be missed! (This is not the first time our volunteers have told us this!)

When asked what her favorite Homegrown memory is – “I had just started dating my husband and he said, “I know you’re tired and I know you have to work in the morning but I just need you to trust me.” He brought me to an after party at 2104 and there we danced just a few feet from the Black Eyed Snakes. I had never seen them before and it was pure magic. My exhaustion the next day at work was well worth it. (Also, there was a Sunday about 4-5 years back when the Silk Sheiks played at the Saratoga…there was a Peter Pain fiasco and it was pretty unforgettable.)”

Your favorite Homegrown memory is waiting to be made this year!

We would love to have you as a volunteer – join the team by signing up to volunteer at: https://www.duluthhomegrown.org/volunteer/

20th Anniversary Homegrown Illustration Show

The 20th Anniversary Homegrown Illustration Show will feature twenty different artist-rendered caricatures, depicting the region’s cultural luminaries dressed as the Homegrown Chicken mascot. The individuals were chosen for being instrumental in the success and growth of the Homegrown Music Festival and overall commitment to the regional arts scene.


The artists selected to create the illustrations represent the region’s teen, emergent, and established creative voices. The show will be on view at Prove Gallery April 27 – May 18, with an opening reception April 27, 7-10 p.m. The show is a first-time collaboration with the Duluth Art Institute in sharing a common mission to engage the community through contemporary art.

Melissa LaTour
Adam Guggemos
Tim & Brad Nelson
Walk Dizzo
Don Ness
Emily Larson
Andy Miller
Kip Praslowicz
Dan Anderson and His Silk Shieks
Jim Paine
Robot Rickshaw
Ryan Nelson
Dereck Murphy-Williams
Jessie Dykhuis
Erin Naughton-Garrison
Tyler Scouton

2018 Volunteer Spotlight – Sarah Pierce

In the weeks leading up to Homegrown we are featuring some awesome Homegrown Music Festival volunteers! Did you know that Homegrown is run almost entirely by volunteers? Over 150 of them! We mean it when we say that our volunteers truly make this festival happen! 200 bands, 8 nights of local music and art. Our volunteers attend to the doors, manage vibe, deliver field guides, put wristbands on, swipe credit cards, manage crowds, coordinate flow, offer friendly greetings and offer patient encouragement when lines are long or moving slow and SO MUCH MORE!!!

This week’s EXTRAORDINARY volunteer is Ms. Sarah Pierce!

Sarah has been a Homegrown volunteer for 4 years running – and I mean literally running – last year she and her team delivered 8 routes of field guides. If you picked up your field guide in Superior it likely had been set there by her amazing hands!

Field guide distribution is a great way to get your HGMF responsibilities out of the way before the festival even starts! Sarah says her friend Crystal got her into this and the first year it was mostly for the free weeklong pass but she has grown to really enjoy distro.

Pro Tip: “Don’t do it alone. Get a dolly (see pic). Know that if you tell them you are interested in 8 routes they may give them ALL to you” This year we have the routes spread a bit more evenly but we truly appreciate Sarah’s “get it done” attitude last year as we loaded more than 30 boxes of field guides into her car! A 2017 hero in my book!

Sarah’s favorite night of the festival is Canal Park Night, but you could practically hear the agony in her voice as she had to choose. She warns us all not to miss Jaw Knee Vee and Ingeborg von Agassiz.

Sarah loves when it rains meat and when she has more friends when the festival ends than she did when it began. So look for Sarah – make a new friend!

You can join the Homegrown volunteer family at this link: https://airtable.com/shrmkaP5uL89ijBNd