Author: The Chicken
2019 Volunteer Spotlight – Jevne Billiet
Jevne is new to the Homegrown festival volunteer team as of the 2018 festival season.
Her favorite venues are Sir Ben’s and Clyde Ironworks. Weekends are her favorite because there is just so much to choose from with great lineups all over town!
Pro Tip: Embrace the unknown/unfamiliar/brand new and just enjoy it.
Jevne’s DO NOT MISS band is the Latelys.
Best Homegrown memory? The Retribution Gospel Choir’s secret surprise show at the Red Herring in 2016.
Sign up for your HGMF volunteer shifts today:
2019 Volunteer Spotlight – Robert Kajer
Robert joined the Homegrown volunteer team in 2016 as a “broke college student” and hasn’t looked back. His college years are behind him but the broke not so much 😉
He says the trick to being a stand out venue in Duluth is to name your venue something that starts with a B because his faves are Blush, Blacklist and Beaners.
Robert’s Pro Tip for new volunteers: Trying to yell over the band is fruitless. Be prepared to communicate all the common questions you’ll get non-verbally. Have a price guide on hand to point at, plan to tap your finger on your own wristband to get folks to show you theirs, and make sure the set list for your venue is displayed prominently at or near your table.
Robert’s “don’t miss band(s)” for 2019 are MRS and the Sordid Affairs – they are simply everything he could want in a band – Queer as hell, unafraid to go all out, and some absolutely killer music to back it up. We all certainly agree!
Robert proved that volunteering for Homegrown is possible while still a college student and so we know you can do it too! One time he volunteered the night before a big final and had successes both with the festival and his grade!
Thank you for all you do for Homegrown Robert!
Sign up for your HGMF volunteer shifts today:
2019 Volunteer Spotlight – Alison Moffat
Alison joined us as a Homegrown volunteer for the first time in 2018 but she has been a dedicated attendee since 2012!
Alison thinks the trolley is the best venue of the festival with its amazing energy and intimate setting. She is not alone in that!
She decided to volunteer to become more active in the festival she loves. She had a great time volunteering last year – especially enjoying interacting with fans as a representative of the festival. The found the volunteer training really useful and pointed out that the Men as Peacemakers bystander intervention training was a highlight – offering practical strategies that have stuck with her beyond the festival.
Alison’s Pro Tip: Don’t get too attached to your ‘to-do” list. She says this with love because she is a self described over ambitious Homegrown list maker. Wander around a but and pop into an unfamiliar venue; check out a band you’ve never heard of. These are spontaneous delights that make Homegrown a special event.
Alison says she will always show up for whatever Todd Gremmels is doing.
Alison volunteered with her hubby last year and we gave them one of the weirdest shifts of the festival – the door at Blacklist on the night TBT was doing their secret show at Luce. As the closest venue selling wristbands we knew they were going to get crushed but we couldn’t tell them why we staffed that door so heavily. LOL They were such good sports and we thank them for that! Can’t wait to see what this year brings!
Sign up for your HGMF volunteer shifts today: