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Category: 2019
2019 Homegrown Winter Fiasco Details
It is that time of the year again! The Duluth Homegrown Winter Fiasco. This free even will be located in the Lincoln Park Craft District on 1/11/2019. A free shuttle will be going between venues from 6pm-11pm.
Lake Superior Brewing all-ages
6:15pm Hanna Rey
7:15pm Zakk & Bella
Duluth Folk School all-ages
6:45pm Aurora Baer
7:45pm NorShore Summit
8:45pm The Slamming Doors
Ursa Minor Brewing all-ages
7:00pm Jacob Mahon and the Salty Dogs
8:00pm Prone
Duluth Cider all-ages
7:30pm Mint Vintage
8:30pm JamesG
Bent Paddle all-ages
8:00pm JayGee
9:00pm Zenith City Groove Collection
10:00pm Mallards
Caddy Shack 21+
9:15pm BIG INTO
10:15pm The Great Unwilling
11:15pm MRS. & the Sordid Affairs
Facebook Event Page can be found here:
Save the Date – Homegrown Winter Fiasco 2019
We have scheduled the 2019 Duluth Homegrown Winter Fiasco. It is a mini Homegrown Music Festival, but all in one night. 17 bands at 7 venues in our Lincoln Park Craft District. The schedule will be announced soon, so watch for updates!

Duluth Homegrown Music Festival Mix Tapes
Every year Homegrown selects a local luminary to curate an album of their favorite local music. Each album is available on our Bandcamp site and they are all pay-what-you-can. Check it out HERE to learn more.