The virtual show case that would have been hanging up at Blacklist Brewing Company. Ten photographers completed their submissions. Here’s the top rate for each photography plus a few extra that were rose to the top.
2020 Homegrown Virtual Poetry Showcase
Happy Homegrown!
As many of you know, there will not be any public Homegrown events this year. With the hard work of everyone involved, we were able to create a virtual poetry showcase! Below is the video. Please enjoy.
2020 Homegrown Field Guide
All year long, a group of people put a lot of hard work into this festival. There are board members, steering committee members, graphic designers, subcommittees and artists who put hours and hours of work into getting ready for this week long celebration. Band registration, band selection, venue contracts and of course the field guide are some of the things we do. We cannot all gather for the 2020 festival, but we wanted to share some of the work we have put into it. Below is a copy of the 2020 Homegrown Music Festival Field Guide for your viewing pleasure.
The PDF can also be downloaded here.
Homegrown Guide 2020
2020 Video Showcase Creator Application
Are you a film maker? Are you a person who wants to break into the industry?
Have you been to the Homegrown Music Video Showcase and wondered how you could make a film and get it screened at the festival? Well, here’s how you can get involved!