We have scheduled the 2019 Duluth Homegrown Winter Fiasco. It is a mini Homegrown Music Festival, but all in one night. 17 bands at 7 venues in our Lincoln Park Craft District. The schedule will be announced soon, so watch for updates!
Author: The Chicken
Duluth Homegrown Music Festival Mix Tapes
Every year Homegrown selects a local luminary to curate an album of their favorite local music. Each album is available on our Bandcamp site and they are all pay-what-you-can. Check it out HERE to learn more.
2019 Homegrown registration is now open!
Registration for the 2019 Duluth Homegrown Music Festival is now open. Please complete the registration form HERE.
2019 Duluth Homegrown Music Festival Registration Closes 1/1/19!
Wake the kids, tell the neighbors, registration for the 2019 Duluth Homegrown Music Festival opens Thanksgiving (11/ 22/2018) and will remain open until New Years Day (1/1/2019). At that point, registration will be closed and no further applications will be accepted. Please stand by. We will be posting the link to the registration form this Thursday.